Hike to Mitchell Point Tunnel Dedication

A different kind hike. Today was the official dedication of the new Mitchell Point Tunnel, part of the Historic Columbia River Highway restoration. To make it more interesting I decided I would hike part of the finished and still in progress sections of the highway to the tunnel. I started at Starvation Creek State park to avoid the crowds at Viento State Park the official parking spot. I was surprise to run into Ted from the Rambles who had the same idea. Total walking distances out and back 10.5 miles.

Vancouver Waterfront with Tom

Lori put together another Tom Walk, this time over in Vancouver, WA. Lori, Marilyn, Barbara, Wendy, Tom and I met at the Pearson Air Museum at Fort Vancouver. From there we preceded on our normal route of going pass Fort Vancouver, over the Confluence Bridge, under the I5 bridge to walk along the Vancouver Waterfront Trail. At the end of the is a group of picnic tables and we stopped there for a bit to eat. After our stop we headed to to Esther Short Park and over the Evergreen St. Bridge back to Fort Vancouver. Our last bit was to walk along Officers Row and back to our cars. This was about a 4.5 mile walk.