Scappoose Dike Walk

Lori and I did a walk along the Scappoose Dike. The forecast had for some sun breaks but all we got was fog, clouds and cold temps. We just did the standard down and back and then went to Ichabod’s Restaurant for lunch.

Cooper Mt. and Jenkins Estate Scouting

I had a section of Portland Metro area I had not explored before. This South West area contains two public area I needed to check out. With dry weather returning I went to explore Cooper Mt. Nature Park and Jenkins Estate. Now the unexpected was the forecast called for clouds and some sun but what I got was heavy fog. So no scenic views today. I did a three mile loop at Cooper Mt. and two plus mile loop at Jenkins Estate.

Cooper Mt. Nature Park Walk

Jenkins Estate Walk

Stairs to Pittock

Taking advantage of a string of days of nice weather I did another training walk up to Pittock Mansion. Today was a blue sky day with clear views of Portland and the mountains. I also got better number on this walk. I did 4.8 miles with about 900 ft of total elev. gain and did 513 steps in an hour and fifty-eight min.

Stair Ramble to Pittock Mansion

I had not done the stair route to Pittock in many years. Include a couple of short ones I did 10 flights of stairs total. The mansion was in a heavy fog so no views but the fog gave the place a feel of mystery. On the way down I found Balch Creek was running higher then I had ever seen it.

Gnome Trail

Our goal wad to explore the Gnome Trail but first we had to get there by walking done the Burnt Bridge Creek Greenway Trail. We started at the far West end of trail and walked about a half mile to the gnomes. The weather lived up to the forecast and we had a very wet day. We found the Gnome Trail we decorate with fanciful objects.

After our walk was ended early on account of a lot of rain we did an early lunch at Say Ciao.