Pfrime Brewery tastings

Pfrime is a very popular brewery and hard to get seating. We have tried several times to go after a hike and found the line just to long. This time we went so we were the first ones in the door so we were sure to get a seat. It also turned out to be a very stormy day so sampling beer was a better choose then getting soaked on a walk. We ended up getting two flights of tasters and we found the good, the bad and the really good (a barreled age brown). By time we left there was a line waiting to get in. A fun day to have before heading into Christmas.

Graham Oaks – Tonquin Trail Walk

This was a very wet walk. I returned with Lori, Jeanette and Sylvia to show them the Graham Oaks Nature Park and Tonquin Trail that I had scouted a week earlier. This was also a chance to once again test our rain gear. We did a shorter route then I had done before because two hours in constant rain was enough.

After our walk we went to RAM Restaurant & Brewhouse for lunch.

Graham Oaks Nature Park Walk

An Exploratory walk of Graham Oaks Nature Park and the Northern part of the Tonquin Trail and South to Arrow Creek Park. I covered 7 3/4 miles in 3 hours and 45 minutes. Started out freezing cold but warmed up by the time I finished. This is the land of the labradoodle.

Rock Creek Trail

An exploratory walk of Rock Creek Trail Starting at Bethany Lake and first going to the west to Powerline Park and then East to Waterhouse Waterhouse Trail. The trail goes through several parks and the Rock Creek Greenway. It was built through a powerline corridor and rainwater runoff creek.

Picture gallery of walk