I am pressing full steam ahead into retirement but I am not very good at it yet. Another rights of passage.
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Cooper Mt. & Jenkins Estate Walk
A cold sunny day walk of Cooper Mt. Nature Park and Jenkins Estate with Lori, Jeanette, and Sylvia.
Commonwealth Lake Park Walk
This was a social Sunday. Lori and I first went to visit one of our former elderly ramble leaders who was in the hospital and then on to do a social stroll with Jeanette who was just back from her three week trip to South America. It was a cold day but the rain and …
Graham Oaks and Arrowhead Creek Park Walk
It was forecast to be a wet day so we decided to stay closer to home and do a rainy day walk of Arrowhead Creek Park and Graham Oaks Nature Park. This time out was with Merlyn and Lori. Lori had not been to Arrowhead Creek Park so we head to it first. Form there …
Continue reading “Graham Oaks and Arrowhead Creek Park Walk”
Past Tense
I got bit by the photography bug when I was in high school. I use to tell people I was addicted to photography and if I went a few days without taking a photograph I would have withdrawal symptoms. Most of the photography I have done for the last 40 years has been done to fulfill other peoples photos needs. Towards the end of my career as a commercial photographer I did get burnt out. Now that I am retired look forward to trying to find the passion I had when I started in my own work.
You can see more of my commercial work Here.

Pretty Pictures
My formal training was in photojournalism. The art of documenting and telling a story. But I always had a draw to nature photography. My blog post allow me to continue to tell photograph story while here I am placing a more artistic side.
You can see more of my work here.