Hole in the Park hike

I went for a conditioning hike in Forest Park and started out just a little before day break. I was going to do a longer hike but I am still not getting my boots and socks matched up right so I cut it short before getting blisters. I did about 9 miles, 1700 ft. gain in a little under 4 hrs. On the BPA road section of the hike I had many flowers blooming.

Tualatin Hills Nature Park

We were prepared for rain but it turn out to be a dry day with mild temperature. We wanted to do something that was close by and this was one that Lori had not been to. For Jeanette this regular stomping grounds so she took the lead on this one. Not a regular for Sylvia but she had been there before. When I did my exploratory of the park the real winter wet season had not arrived. This time you could see why this is a wetland and the reason for all of the elevated pathways and bridges. We had some major wind and ice storms a week before but this forested area fair pretty well with just a couple of trees down. After our 4 mile walk we went to McMenamins Grand Lodge Lodge for lunch. We first had some concerns when we saw the menu but finally figured out by splitting a pizza and finding a good beer it was all affordable. After lunch we had fun exploring the lodge and finding the secret passage way.