LL Stub Stewart State Park

This was not the hike we were hoping for. The forecast was for heavy rain coming in about 2 pm so we were planning on getting a quick exploratory hike in at Stub Stewart State Park before the heavy rain arrive. Well the the heavy rain arrive about four and half hours early. I for one was not prepared for hiking for hours in heavy rain. We went ahead with the gear we had hoping this was just a shower. Mushrooms were out in force with a large variety of them popping up. As the trail got muddier and slippery we decide not to follow the old climber’s mantra “it does not have to be fun to be fun” and turned around. We got in a little under 4 miles with a little over 500 elevation gain in two and quarter hours. After peeling off soaked rain gear we headed for lunch Helvetia Tavern. We decide this was a good shake down hike to test our rain gear and prepare the wet season ahead. I found my fifteen year old rain coat was not up for the season ahead.