Barlow Butte Ridge Trail

I had not done this trail in a number of years and was interested to see what kind of shape it was in. I have done it a number of time and it had always been a little challenging but always a wonderful hike. As they say you can never go home again and so it was with this trail. I found the trail that ran the length of Barlow Butte Ridge is no more. I was able to still find parts of the trail about half way down the ridge but from there it would just be bushwhacking and I was not geared up for that. A said loss of a wonderful trail that I had enjoyed and taken friends to see.

The numbers – 6.8 miles, 2180 total elevation gain, 5 1/2 hours on the trail with a lot of that trying to find the trail, cutting limbs, climbing over log piles and a shot lunch break.